Thursday, January 15, 2015

Dyes v Paint in the Silk World

The first two photos are of paint, both are thin consistency and are acrylic based, however, each is different in than the first photo contains paints suitable for silk. The second photo is a high flow acrylic similar to water color and is Not suitable for silk. It contains a higher ratio of polymer, thus rendering a much stiffer feel to that of the silk paint. Silk paints need to be heat set for permanency, the high flow acrylic is suited for other types of art and is much more expensive than silk paints.
The third photo are dyes, these are Jacquard green label dyes that can be set by either painting on or submersing in a solution of dye set, also of the same brand. They can also be steam set. If you'll notice I said green label can be set via the Dyeset solution. To the best of my knowledge these dyes are the only ones that can be set this way, all others, including Jacquards red label Must be steam set and that is another process to be covered at another time, follow the directions for each brand of dyes as to their particular technique for setting.
Another difference between silk paints and silk dyes is that the dyes actually become part of the silk fabric, leaving it with a soft feel ( or hand) while the paint sits on the surface of the silk and leaves it with a slightly stiffer feel. You can tell the difference if you fee both at the same time.
Both dyes and paints can be painted on with the same type of brush, although I wouldn't use the same brushes for dyes that I'd use for paints. This has to do with the fact that paints are polymer based. Dyes can be reconstituted with water if they dry out in the bottle or palate, paints cannot, once they are dry, they are there, not to be moved without scrubbing. Both give lustrous color, both can be mixed to make new colors. What do I prefer? Paints, simply for their ease of handling. And paints can also be used on paper, if you desire. It's similar to liquid watercolor.
Pick your poison for adding color to silks, dyes or paints, it's your choice. Good luck.

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